Direct links to Depression Center consultation request forms, program applications, and program information contacts.
DIGIT-MI recordings from the 2022-2023 academic year. DIGIT-MI monthly meetings allow investigators across the University of Michigan to connect, learn, and share resources that encourage the increased use of digital and mobile technologies and mental wellness in research across multiple disciplines.
The University of Michigan's DataDirect tool offers U-M researchers customized, user-friendly access to Michigan Medicine clinical data. With options for cohort discovery, recruitment, and de-identified data output, DataDirect is a highly valuable resource for mental health research. In this article, we will walk through an example project showcasing how DataDirect can be used for clinical research at U-M.
This article introduces MiNap, an application developed to serve as a prototype for sleep medicine research data collection. The article shares an overview of the problem in hand, the designed solution and its future potential in the medical research domain.
This article is a listing of data dictionaries and data models for datasets that utilize mobile data (wearables, mobile apps, surveys, smartwatch apps, phone sensors, and more).