Reporting Help

All articles relating to pulling and creating reports.

Categories (5)


How-to guides on different MProfile Reports

Constituent Reports in BO

How-to guides on different Constituent Reports in Business Objects


How-to guides on Tableau dashboards and functions

Giving Definitions

Foundational definitions to understand giving and details on reporting counting methodologies

Articles (12)

Adding URL's to DART Constituent Records Based On Constituent Lookup ID's

Instructions for adding links to Constituent LookupID column in BO reports

Campaign Tagging: International Giving

FAQ to explain the criteria required to be counted as part of "International Giving."

Can I pull a list of Scholarships Recipients from Business Objects

FAQ to explain the how to pull scholarship recipients in Business Objects.

Constituent Report - Constituents by Solicit Codes

This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Constituents by Solicit Codes." This report is designed to pull all living individuals that have a given Solicit Code(s). Users have the option to select one or more solicit code.

Create a Delimited String of LookupIDs

Use this article to create a string of LookupIDs separated by semicolons. This technique can be used for creating strings of other values for other applications too (e.g. string of email addresses, system IDs, EmplIDs, etc).

DART - Gift Acknowledgment Report

This article discussed the DART Gift Acknowledgement Report. To provide a list of all gift transactions (Payments, Pledges, and Planned Gifts) added to DART during the specified time period.  Users can answer Prompt questions to be able to pull information for their specific SCU, VP Area, Campus, Site Name, Designation or Major Gift Region.  The report has been designed to for export to Excel and can be used as the data list for a mail merge.

Donor Challenge Reporting

This article discusses donor challenges, as well as the available reports to pull data for donor challenges.

Finding Donors that live in a specific area

FAQ to explain what report to use to find donors that live in a specific area/region.

Recommended BO Report Information to Include in Your Ticket Request

It is important to include the report name, folder path, and link to the report as you submit a ticket request.

Report of Open Opportunities by Gift Officer

FAQ to explain how to pull a report of open opportunities by Gift Officers in Business Objects.

Scheduling Business Objects Reports

Instructions for creating new schedules in Business Objects