Search17 Results

This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Employees by Company". This report is designed to pull all employees and organization contacts of a selected company given the company’s constituent LookupID (LID) or company name pattern.
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Name Formats and Salutations by LookupID." This report is designed to pull individual constituents’ Name Formats and Salutations given a list of Constituent LookupIDs (LIDs).
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: " Individuals Associated with Orgs by Org LID." This report is designed to pull individual constituents associated with a Company given the Company’s Org LookupID (LID), displaying the individual’s LID and relationship to the company.
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Dual Degree Households." This report is designed to pull all married couples where both spouses hold a U-M Degree given a specified campus and/or school/college for the primary constituent and their spouse.
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Dual Alumni from 2 Schools." This report is designed to pull all active alumni with a degree from both of the given Schools/Colleges.
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Committee Roster." This report is designed to pull all Interactions, Opportunities, and Active Plans for all committee members given a list of Committee Names and a specified Start Date.
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Birthday Report by SCU Alumni and Birth Month." This report is designed to pull all living alumni that have a known birthdate given school/college affiliation (SCU) and specified birth month. Users have the option to restrict results based on giving Fiscal Year (results will display U-M wide recognition as well as SCU specific recognition) and/or Communication Preference.
This article walks users through how to run the Business Object report titled: "Birthday Report by LID." This report is designed to pull all living individuals that have a known birthdate given Constituent LookupIDs (LIDs). Users have the option to restrict results based on giving information by S/C/U Rollup, VP Area Rollup, Campus Rollup, Purpose Site Name, Designation LookupID, and/or by Communication Preference. Further user input controls available to specify Birth Month.
This integrity check identifies constituent records that have recently had their gender changed from Male or Female to Unknown so that the record can be updated with the previously known gender value.
This integrity check identifies individuals with no constituencies so that they can be given the default constituency of ‘Non-Alum’.
This integrity check identifies possible duplicate constituents that have the same first name, the same middle initial (if a middle name exists), and the same last name or last names that are substrings of one another with at least one piece of shared contact information so that the two records can be reviewed by GRA and merged if they are determined to be duplicates.
This integrity check identifies constituent records that are marked as deceased but not marked as inactive so that they can be inactivated.
Overview of Excel MProfile - UM-Wide Constituency and/or Address which pulls all active constituents with a user specified constituency type and/or address in a specified area.
Overview of Excel MProfile- Individuals with Constituent Attribute which pulls active constituents that meet the user specified Constituent Attribute and, if specified, have an active address within the geographic region
Overview of Excel MProfile- Individuals with Constituent Affiliation which pulls all active constituents that meet the user specified Constituent Affiliation and, if specified, have an active address within the geographic region.