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Windows Remote Desktop access

the person trying to access the computer has a Remote Desktop client installed. In Windows, click on Start, then go to All Programs, Accessories, then click on Remote Desktop Connection. On a

Managing Research Computing allocations using the Resource Management Portal

Procedure for managing Research Computing allocations using the Resource Management Portal. ... Summary How to view and update Research Computing Storage allocations using the Resource Management Portal (RMP) tool. Environment The RMP manages research computing allocations on the

LSA TS Software Titles in U-M Software Directory

                                                             Calm For all LSA TS & LSA Inclusive Culture Liaisons staff members (both full-time and temporary staff). Assign directly to Alyssa Longo

Stata/SE Access for Econ PhD Students

support if students run into an installation problem. ITAM Stata/SE licenses expire yearly on May 4th — not just Econ's licenses, but all of the licenses purchased through ITAM.  This KB only

Tips for improving your home internet connection

Summary This article is a rundown of the symptoms of a slow or spotty Internet connection with tips and best practices to improve user experience. Environment All computing environments

Viewing the WHE log files

page that shows the last 300 Error log messages related to your website in reverse order. Command Line If you have shell access enabled you can also parse through the logs via the command line. On

Improving your home Wi-Fi network

making that determination. Read these articles for helpful suggestions: How to Make Your Wi-Fi Suck Less While Working From Home from Wirecutter, which can provide free fixes that can speed

Linking Lecture Recording to a Canvas course site

Summary How to for linking Lecture Recording to Canvas. Linking a course's Lecture Recording site with its Canvas site is the simplest way to make published recordings available to all enrolled

What should I do when something is stolen?

purposes this article focuses on IT related equipment, but the process is similar for just about any U-M property. Environment Office of Risk Management for U-M owned property only (does not cover

Code42 CrashPlan Desktop Backup service

Summary The University of Michigan provides an online desktop backup service powered by CrashPlan. LSA provides this service to all of their faculty & staff at no charge to them.  CrashPlan is

Introduction to Block M (HelpRequester) on a Mac

Summary This guide will outline all the functions available on the Block M menu, located in the menu bar on all LSA-managed macOS computers running Izzy. Environment macOS Directions

Miracast issues on the U-M VPN

try again. Also check if they are using 'Only U-M Traffic' or 'All Traffic' in the VPN, if they are using 'All Traffic' try using the former. If they connect successfully, have them reconnect to the VPN and see if the screen share connection persists.


Development and adoption of AI best practices, educating and collaborating with LSA Staff to: Focus on solutions that benefit all units by reducing repetitive tasks and creating opportunities for

Printer access denied

printing ... Summary When printing, an error status appears in the printer queue stating, "Access Denied." This can occur even if the patron is listed as a MiWorkspace Customer, and is part of an MPrint

Moving your computer

computer off Unplug all the cables Place all the cables and peripherals (keyboard, mouse, etc.) into the large ziplock bag the movers will provide for you. If possible, place the ziplock bag in