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Podium monitor pens

Wacom Cintiq 24HD Touch Interactive Monitors enable presenters to write on the surface of the screen, but only with a pen designed to interact with a specific model. This older monitor has lots

Podium monitor won’t display - is it on or off?

Sometimes after logging in on the computer, the monitor attached to the standard classroom podium will not show what is visible on the projection screen or wall mounted digital display. Even after the

Hybrid podium: Inogeni signal converters

Hybrid podium: Inogeni signal converters The Inogeni device converts HDMI into USB.  Mac Mini uses only ONE Inogeni to bring in Content feed for Lecture Recording. Podium Computer uses TWO

Podium monitor won’t display - internal cable damage

If the podium’s Wacom monitor is powered on but doesn’t display anything on the screen, its internal DVI-to-display-port cable may have sustained damage by users twisting the monitor arm until it is

Training for height-adjustable podiums in LSA classrooms

Objective Use and operate the Height Adjustable Podiums in LSA Classrooms. Procedure The short 4-minute video below is a complete walk through of the components, operation, and demonstration

Wireless keyboards

Wireless keyboards are now provided in many spaces across central campus, most often in conference rooms. The Logitech MK540 and its ambidextrously designed mouse run on AA batteries.  The

Digital Media Processing System (DMPS) - Phoenix terminal blocks

While troubleshooting classroom podium signal path issues, technicians often mention electronic devices and components by their brand name (for example Crestron, Scarlett, Behringer, Inogeni

Hybrid podium: Scarlett or Behringer audio interface

Hybrid podium - Scarlett or Behringer audio interface Wireless and ceiling mounted microphone signals are conveyed to the Crestron Digital Media Presentation System (DMPS) and the Scarlett or

Podium monitor won’t display - external cable damage

In some cases, a powered monitor will malfunction because its snake-like external cable gradually gets coiled around the base of the monitor arm as users rotate the unit to suit their individual needs

Podium monitor has no power

To determine if the podium mounted Wacom monitor has lost power altogether, press the power button at the top center or left upper edge of the frame and check to see if a small orange or blue light is

Podium-mounted power distribution units must remain on

Some podiums and half racks in classrooms come equipped with a slim-line power distribution unit (PDU)  to regulate electrical current and protect the integrity of electronic components. Across the

Height-adjustable podium lift mechanism reset procedure

Sometimes the height-adjustable podium's raise and lower buttons become unresponsive. The manufacturer has provided an explanation of the cause and step by step procedure for resolving the issue - but

Document camera - basic features

The Wolfvision Document Camera Useful for: Projection purposes Light at podium for presenter's notes Troubleshooting tool for testing projection system   To operate the

Podium computer media playback volume control

Although in most classrooms the podium is equipped with a standard touch pad for switching projection sources (podium computer, laptop computer, document camera, BluRay player and Cynap wireless

Cynap wireless presentation

Cynap wireless presentation Cynap wireless presentation technology is becoming a standard feature of LSA-supported classrooms and conference rooms. When a Cynap device malfunctions, the most