Discontinuing a Major/Minor from PARF and AEM


Units may decide to discontinue a Major or Minor Program. When this occurs, the record should be made inactive in the Program Approval Request Form (PARF). The requirements content should be removed from the Major and Minors Page on the College Site. 


  • Program Approval Request Form
  • Adobe Experience Manager  


To ensure that the discontinued Major or Minor no longer displays on the Majors and Minors Page in AEM:

  1. Units must first submit a memo to the LSA Curriculum Committee. If approved, it moves on to the Executive Committee for final approval. 

  2. After the final approval, the LSA Curriculum Specialist emails the Office of the Registrar and informs them of the discontinuation offering a "last admit term" which is, essentially, the term before it will be disappearing from our systems. For example, if a minor will no longer be offered in Winter 2023, then the last admit term will be set to Fall 2022.

Once the Last Admit Term is determined, then the following needs to occur:


  1. In the Course Maintenance, select PARF.

  2. Search or Select Major or Minor to discontinue.

  3. Click on Edit.

  4. Change Active? Drop down to False.

  5. Select Inactive Term.

  6. Click Save. The Major or Minor will remain visible on the Major and Minor Page in AEM until the Inactive Term.


Removal from Majors and Minors Page

  1. Once the program is given an Inactive Term, it will no longer be pulled to the Majors and Minors page on the AEM. However, AEM utilizes a caching protocol in order to alleviate stress load on the system. This may prevent updates from immediately showing on the Majors and Minors page.

    If the changes need to display as soon as possible, units can request a cache flush to be done by the Web Team. To make this request, submit a ticket to LSA Technology Services.

Removal of Requirements Page

The individual Major and Minor Requirements page will still be published and requires a manual update in AEM. To deactivate the page:

  1. Go into AEM Sites  and navigate to /academics/majors-minors.

  2. Find and click on the Major or Minor page that you wish to unpublish.

  3. Select Managed Publication from the top menu.

  4. In the new dialogue prompt, select Unpublish. 

  5. To schedule for the page to be unpublished at a later date, select Later under Scheduling. Next select the Date and Time that you wish for the pages to be unpublished. Note: You will receive an email notification when the job is completed.

  6. Click Next.

  7. In the next prompt, confirm that the correct page(s) are listed. Click Next.

  8. Give the Workflow a title. For Example, “Unpublishing [BLANK] Minor.” Click Publish Later.

Please note:  If you are still not seeing the changes after a cache flush has been done by LSA Technology Services, this may be due to your personal browser cache. If this occurs, you will need to clear you browser cache. All new visitors to the page will see the updated content.  

Additional assistance

For questions regarding the PARF System, please contact LSA Advising and Curriculum Support

For questions regarding Adobe Experience Manager, please contact LSA Technology Services.

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Article ID: 10124
Tue 5/2/23 3:08 PM
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