Lecture Recording help article index


Requesting access & setup

LSA-supported spaces with Lecture Recording

Checklist for recording lectures effectively

Requesting Lecture Recording for a class

Requesting Lecture Recording for an event or other non-class session

Requesting Lecture Recording for a non-LSA space

Using Lecture Recording to record the chalkboard or whiteboard

Student requests for class Lecture Recording

Request Lecture Recording if the form is not available

Editing, publishing & sharing content

Changing the camera angle for Lecture Recording or Zoom in an LSA-supported space

Publishing lecture recordings

Troubleshooting issues viewing lecture recordings

Downloading a lecture recording transcript

Copying lecture recordings from one site to another

Changing the starting camera angle for Lecture Recording

Downloading a lecture recording



Article ID: 10091
Thu 4/27/23 11:47 AM
Tue 4/30/24 2:58 AM