Articles (18)

Dropbox slow to open - quick fix!

If instead of opening, Dropbox displays a spinning icon, click the arrow marked "reload" near the top left corner of the screen. This should bring up the normal Dropbox page.

Height-adjustable podium lift mechanism reset procedure

Quick and easy procedure for unlocking the lift mechanism when the height-adjustable podium won't raise or lower.

Microphone tips for presenters in the classroom

Most rooms in LSA classrooms are equipped with at least one microphone. These are used to reinforce the speaker's voice to be heard in the room, by remote participants during Zoom calls, or to capture the voice on recorded lectures. This article provides basic information and troubleshooting advice.

Podium computer media playback volume control

This article describes a potentially confusing media playback volume control issue, specific to podium computers in hybrid classrooms, with illustrated instructions for adjusting playback audio volume when running video files that have been downloaded to the desktop.

Podium monitor has no power

If the monitor is clearly receiving no electrical power and each accessible connection has been checked, a cable may have come unplugged within the body of the unit. This difficult-to-resolve problem is most often encountered with the older model Wacom monitor, easily recognized by the verticle row of buttons on either side of the screen.

Podium monitor won’t display

The Wacom monitor is a standard feature of classroom podiums across central campus. This article shows where to find power buttons for two different Wacom models, and explains what to do when the monitor will not turn on.

Podium mounted Wacom monitor pens

Wacom monitor pens come in two different models which are not interchangeable.

Podium-mounted power distribution units must remain on

In order for the AV system in the room to function properly, it is essential that the rack or podium have power. Even if you see a flashing red light on the rack-mounted power supply, please do not power down the equipment.

Training for height-adjustable podiums in LSA classrooms

Introductory tutorial shows how to operate height-adjustable podiums in LSA Classrooms.

What is in my classroom?

Includes a link to the Classroom Database, which provides seating capacity, basic installed equipment layout and panoramic survey of the room.

Wireless presenter remotes

Wireless presenter remotes are a staple accessory for lecturers who use PowerPoint and Google Slides for course lectures and special events. This illustrated article compares several models commonly provided in university classrooms and auditoriums.