Google Chrome: Bookmarks Missing Due to New Chrome Profile


Google Chrome, U-M Google accounts


After logging in to Google Chrome with my U-M Google account, my bookmarks are gone, and there is a new chrome profile. How do I restore my bookmarks?


Recently, Google began presenting a pop-up to users upon logging in to their U-M Google account and syncing it with their Google Chrome browser. Whether or not you click the "Keep local browsing data (bookmarks, passwords, history, etc.)" checkbox in the pop-up before clicking Continue, there will be a new Chrome profile generated without your previous bookmarks. 

To restore your bookmarks, you will need to switch back to the Chrome profile you were using before.

To switch your Chrome profile on a desktop computer:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser
  2. Click your Profile icon (i.e., the round image next to the three-dot menu icon) in the top right
  3. Select the profile you were using previously under the Other profiles section

Note: On both Android and iOS devices, you will only have one Chrome profile.

To transfer bookmarks to another Chrome profile:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser
  2. Click your Profile icon (i.e., the round image next to the three-dot menu icon) in the top right and ensure that you are using the profile which contains the bookmarks you'd like to transfer
    1. If it is not the correct one, select the profile under the Other profiles section
  3. Click the three-dot menu icon to the right of the Profile icon
  4. Hover over Bookmarks in the drop-down menu, and select Bookmark manager
  5. Click the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner of the page
    1. Note: This is not the same three-dot menu icon to the right of your Profile icon
  6. Select Export bookmarks from the drop-down menu and save the file to your computer
  7. Click your Profile icon in the top right again and select the other Chrome profile to where you'd like to transfer your bookmarks
  8. Click the three-dot menu icon to the right of the Profile icon
  9. Hover over Bookmarks in the drop-down menu, and select Bookmark manager
  10. Click the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner of the page, select Import bookmarks, and open the bookmarks file you saved earlier

You will now find your bookmarks under the Imported folder, but you can move everything around as needed.

Additional Information

For additional assistance, contact the ITS Service Center.

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Article ID: 8181
Thu 6/2/22 10:08 AM
Fri 6/3/22 2:49 PM

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