MiVideo: Kaltura Express Capture Failed to Allocate Resource Error


MiVideo Mediaspace

Kaltura Express Capture provides webcam and audio recording directly from within a web browser without the installation of additional software. See related Kaltura Express Capture articles for more information about using this HTML recorder.


Users attempting to launch Express Capture see a "Failed to allocate resource" error message.



  • Verify your browser is not blocking access to the camera or microphone
    • Safari
      1. Refresh the page, if you are prompted then select "Allow"
      2. Otherwise, click Safari > Settings for "umich.instructure.com"
      3. Change Camera and Microphone to "Allow"
      4. Refresh page
    • Chrome
      1. Check the camera icon in your browser URL address field. If it has an “x” on it, click it.
      2. Select "Allows allow https://https://umich.instructure.com/ to continue to access your camera and microphone"
      3. Refresh page
    • Firefox
      1. Check the camera icon in your browser URL address field. If it is crossed out, click it.
      2. Click the "Blocked Temporarily" box to remove the block and allow the browser access to the device
      3. Refresh page and select "Allow"
  • Verify MacOS is not blocking camera or microphone access to the browser app


  • Verify your browser is not blocking access to the camera or microphone
    • Chrome
      1. Check the camera icon in your browser URL address field. If it has an “x” on it, click it.
      2. Select "Allows allow https://https://umich.instructure.com/ to continue to access your camera and microphone"
      3. Refresh page
    • Firefox
      1. Check the camera icon in your browser URL address field. If it is crossed out, click it.
      2. Click the "Blocked Temporarily" box to remove the block and allow the browser access to the device
      3. Refresh page and select "Allow"
  • Verify Windows is not blocking camera or microphone access

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center