U-M Slack: Archive Channels


U-M Slack


How can I archive a channel in Slack?


U-M Slack channels can only be archived by Channel Managers or Workspace Admins. Members or guests of a U-M Slack Workspace should reach out to the Channel Manager of the channel or the Workspace Admins of the workspace the channel is located within to request the channel be archived. (If you are trying to archive a converted DM-to-private channel, refer to the relevant section below for specific instructions.)

Note: A Workspace Admin will need to be a "member" of a private channel in order to archive it.

There are two ways in which channels can be archived: using the Slack desktop/mobile/web app or the Workspace Settings page. Channel Managers and Workspace Admins can follow the steps below for archiving channels using the desktop/mobile/web app. However, only Workspace Admins can follow the steps for archiving channels using the Workspace Settings page.

Using the Slack desktop/mobile/web app

  1. Right-click the channel from the channel list in the sidebar and select View channel details from the drop-down menu. (Alternatively, you can open the channel and click the channel name at the top of the conversation pane.) 
  2. Click the Settings tab in the channel details pop-up.
  3. Click Archive channel for everyone

If you do not see this option, then you may need to scroll down. Otherwise, you are not a Channel Manager or Workspace Admin and do not have the proper permissions to do so.

  1. Click the Archive Channel button.

Using Workspace Settings

Note: Only Workspace Admins can access this page to archive channels.

  1. Go to the Workspace Settings & Administration page.
  2. Click Manage channels under the Administration section in the left navigation.
  3. Click the three-dot icon next to the channel name.
  4. Click Archive channel
  5. Click the Archive button in the confirmation pop-up.

Archive a converted DM-to-private channel

If you are a member of a private channel that was converted from a group direct message (DM), there are additional steps you may need to take to archive the channel.

If the Channel Manager is available, they should follow the "Using the Slack desktop/mobile/web app" instructions above.

If the Channel Manager is unavailable, check if any of the private channel members are Workspace Admins of ANY workspace in U-M Slack.

  • If there is someone who is a Workspace Admin, that individual should:
    1. Open the private channel from within the workspace of which they are a Workspace Admin
    2. Add themselves as a Channel Manager to the channel (since Workspace Admins can add Channel Managers to channels in their workspace)
    3. Follow the "Using the Slack desktop/mobile/web app" instructions above to archive the channel
  • If there is not someone who is a Workspace Admin:
    1. Invite a U-M Slack member who is a Workspace Admin in any U-M Slack workspace to the channel
    2. Ask that individual to:
      1. Open the private channel from within the workspace of which they are a Workspace Admin
      2. Add themselves as a Channel Manager to the channel (since Workspace Admins can add Channel Managers to channels in their workspace)
      3. Follow the "Using the Slack desktop/mobile/web app" instructions above to archive the channel

Additional Information

Additional instructions from the Slack Help Center.

Need additional information or other assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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