Michigan Medicine and External Dropbox Teams


U-M Dropbox, Michigan Medicine


Users with personal Dropbox accounts using their @med.umich.edu email address which is associated with an external (non-UMICH) Dropbox Team.


If you are using your @med.umich.edu email address on a personal (non-UMICH) Dropbox account AND are associated with an external Dropbox Team, you should take one of the following actions:

If you would like to merge your personal @med.umich.edu Dropbox account with U-M Dropbox:

  1. Create a U-M Dropbox account using your UMICH (Level-1) @umich.edu email address, if you have not done so already
  2. Follow the instructions in Changing Data Ownership from a Personal / External Dropbox Account to U-M Dropbox to transfer university files/folders from your personal Dropbox to your U-M Dropbox account. You will be unable to merge your account with U-M Dropbox any other way
  3. Refer to the section below to determine what you would like to do with your personal account

If you would like to keep your personal Dropbox account separate from your U-M Dropbox, you can choose to stay with your Dropbox Team or leave the Dropbox Team.

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Article ID: 4996
Mon 5/3/21 10:47 AM
Wed 5/5/21 2:39 PM