MiVideo: Understanding Channel Types in Mediaspace


MiVideo Mediaspace

Referred to as “mini-portals”, channels are personally managed, user generated media collections in MiVideo. They can be configured in a variety of ways from fully open collaborative collections to private collections locked down to specific groups. Viewers can subscribe to channels to be notified when new content is added. See related Channel articles for more information.


What are the different channel types for a Mediaspace?


Channel Types

Not all channel types may be available in your Mediaspace.

Only users with U-M credentials can login (authenticate) to the Mediaspace.

  • Public, restricted 
    • Anyone, including anonymous visitors, can view media in this channel.
    • Only contributors, moderators, and managers can publish media to this channel (see the member entitlement roles section below).
    • Some Mediaspaces restrict site access to U-M weblogin or members of specific MCommunity groups. Therefore public channels on these sites will be restricted to only those who have access to the site.
    • You may not have the ability to create public channels on your Mediaspace. If you need a publicly accessible channel on https://mivideo.it.umich.edu contact the ITS Service Center.
    • Access is limited to anyone with a U-M login.
    • Only contributors, moderators, and managers can publish media to this channel (see the member entitlement roles section below).
    • Even though access is restricted by U-M login, you should treat this as publicly viewable since anyone with a login can see the content. NEVER publish student assignment video content in a restricted channel without the owner’s express permission (e.g. as a showcase example). Visit this webpage for more information about class recordings.
    • Some Mediaspaces restrict site access to only members of specific MCommunity groups. Therefore, restricted channels in these Mediaspaces will be restricted to only those who have access to the site.
  • Private
    • Access is limited to only those with a member, contributor, moderator, or manager entitlement role (see the member entitlement roles section below).
    • Only contributors, moderators, and managers can publish media to this channel (see the member entitlement roles section below).
  • Open
    • All authenticated U-M users with at least a privateOnly site role can view and add content (not typically enabled in Mediaspaces).
  • Shared Repository
    • ​​​​​​​Only specific users (members) can access a shared repository. Members can publish content from this channel to any other channel according to their entitlements, but only specific users can add content (not typically enabled in Mediaspaces).

Channel Member Entitlement Roles

Typically users do not need an entitlement role to view media in a channel except for a private channel. 

Channel managers can manually add member entitlement roles (see the Channel Management and Mediaspace Site Roles article).

Only logged in (authenticated) U-M users can be assigned a channel member entitlement role.

  • Managers: can manage channel members, moderate media (if moderation is enabled), publish media, view media.
  • Moderators: can moderate media (if moderation is enabled), publish media, view media.
  • Contributors: can publish media that will need moderator approval, view media.
  • Members: can view media.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center