Sharing Your Queue URL with Attendees in Remote Office Hours Queue


Remote Office Hours Queue


How do I share my queue URL with attendees so that they can join my queue to meet with me?


  1. Navigate to the Queue Management page for the queue (click on the queue from
  2. Click Copy next to the Queue URL.
    Manage page with Queue URL field and Copy button highlighted in red
  3. The queue URL is now available in your device's clipboard. Paste the URL wherever you want to share it with attendees. Some ideas of ways to share your URL with attendees:
    • For instructional office hours: Put a link on your course's Canvas homepage or anywhere else your students are accustomed to looking, that says (for example, adjust as needed) "Office hours are Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-2 PM Eastern. Join the queue at this link for SUBJ 100 during office hours to meet with Dr. Emcard over Zoom:"
    • For drop-in advising: Put a link on your advising website or anywhere else your students are accustomed to looking, that says (for example, adjust as needed) "Drop-in advising is available Monday through Friday from 1-4 PM Eastern. Join the queue at this link to meet with a member of the advising team over Zoom:"

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