Dropbox: Login Error "Unexpected Dropbox Error"


U-M Dropbox


User cannot log in to their account at dropbox.umich.edu because of the following error: "Unexpected Dropbox Error."



  • The most common reason for this error is that you already have a personal Dropbox account using your @umich.edu email address.
    • To check if you have a personal Dropbox account, go to dropbox.com and enter your @umich.edu email address. If SSO does not prompt, then there is an active personal account. Follow the instructions in Article ID: 4696.
    • If SSO does prompt, continue the troubleshooting list below.
  • If you have a personal Dropbox account, you will need to remove your @umich.edu email address if it is listed as the secondary email address on the account.
    • After removal from the personal account, try to log in to U-M Dropbox again.
  • U-M Dropbox does not work if there are parentheses or slashes used in an individual's name.
    • The most common use of this is when adding pronouns to the end of your name. (E.g., John Smith (he/him/his))
    • Log in to Wolverine Access self-service to remove the parentheses from the name and use dashes instead. (E.g., John Smith he-him-his)​​​​
      • Note: Changing your Preferred Name in Wolverine Access will update the display name ONLY for Faculty, Staff, and Ann Arbor Students:
  • You might be a member of another Dropbox Team account and will need to leave that account in order to join U-M Dropbox.
  • Your name could be incorrect in Dropbox. Please contact the ITS Service Center.
  • You are attempting to log in at dropbox.com. Try logging in at dropbox.umich.edu instead.  

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.