Downloading Zoom Room Recordings


Zoom Rooms


Unable to download a Zoom recording that was accidentally created and assigned to a Zoom Room's account.


To download a recording that was created in a Zoom Room hosted meeting:

  1. Install the Chrome browser extension ZED
  2. Visit the Share Link provided to the email that was entered into the Zoom Rooms controller when the recording started
  3. ZED should provide a blue banner at the bottom of the Zoom recording page that says "Hey, RIGHT-CLICK here, then click Save link as..."
  4. Right click there and select Save Link As
  5. Change the title as desired and select where you'd like the recording to download to
  6. Click Save
  7. Once downloaded, you can share the recording outside of Zoom as needed

This issue typically occurs when a meeting was started from the Zoom Room by pressing the New Meeting button. When that happens, the Zoom Room is the host and therefore owns the recording. This is a work around to download the recording. 

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