MiVideo: Enable Media Download for Students in Canvas




How to provide students the ability to download MiVideo media published in a Canvas course. 

Video Demo

How to Enable Media Downloads with Canvas My Media


Media Published to the Media Gallery

The default Media Gallery player does not have the download button enabled. These steps detail how to select a player with the download button enabled. The selected player will be used to play all media published in the Media Gallery. 

  1. Navigate to the course > Media Gallery.
  2. Click the Channel Actions button in the upper right.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Select the Theme tab.
  5. From the Media Gallery Player Set drop down select the Enable Primary Video Download Button player.
    • Note: this feature is not supported for quizzes (IVQs) or Media Gallery playlists.
  6. Click Submit.

When playing a video from the Media Gallery, the download button is visible in the upper right corner of the player.

Media Embedded Into Course Content

These steps detail how to select a different player for an embedded media item. The selected player is applied to the single media item. Media can be embedded onto a Page, Assignment, or any tool that utilizes the Text Editor.

  1. In the Text Editor, select the MiVideo icon in the second row of toolbar buttons. If you do not see the MiVideo icon, click the triple dots icon.
  2. The default library shown is My Media. Select the tab along the top to select a different library.
  3. Click the gear icon next to the item to choose different settings.
  4. From the Choose Player drop down select the player that includes "download button" in the name. Make any other setting changes as needed.
    • Note: the Set as my default settings for media type checkbox is checked by default. If you leave it checked then you change your default settings. After changing your default player and settings, you can easily apply your defaults to additional media items by clicking Embed next to media instead of clicking the gear icon (step 3). Changing your default player does not effect the player selected for any previously embedded media.
  5. When finished click the Embed button. This will embed the media into the MiVideo player on the page. When the page loads, the player will also load.  

When playing the video in a player with the download button enabled, the download button is visible in the upper right corner of the player.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center