Articles (10)

Pinned Article General instructions on how to submit proof of payment

A general overview of what SOFC requires for proof of payment.

Pinned Article Where is my money?

A guide to our funding timeline, including what you can expect from us with respect to processing your award and reimbursement.

Accessibility Resource Guide for Student Leaders

An overview of accessibility considerations to make when planning events, and the specific U-M resources to help you do so.

How do I get reimbursed for airfare?

A guide on how to get reimbursed for airfare.

How do I get reimbursed for hotel expenses?

A guide on how to get reimbursed for hotel expenses.

How do I get reimbursed for room reservations?

A guide on how to get reimbursed for room reservation expenses (and other types of reservations of space), with a focus on Rec Sports and University Unions bookings.

How do I get reimbursed for services rendered?

A guide on how to submit proof of payment for services rendered.

How do I submit a mileage reimbursement request to SOFC?

A guide on how to get reimbursed for personal vehicle use.

What if I can't make a purchase and then get reimbursed?

Options on what you can do if you are unable (financially or otherwise) to make a purchase and later get reimbursed by SOFC.

Collecting W-9s and other documents requiring a Social Security number, EIN, or TIN

Instructions for collecting SSNs, EINs, and TINs securely from individuals and vendors.