Data Retention Options for External (Non-U-M) Free Slack Workspaces




I own a free Workspace in Slack that is outside of the U-M Slack Enterprise Grid. Because Slack will now only keep my data for the last 90 days, what are my options to help ensure I can retain data past that time?


It is not possible for free Workspaces outside of the U-M Slack Enterprise Grid to migrate into the Enterprise Grid.

Paths forward in this situation include:

  1. Export your public channel data - Free workspaces can export their public channels in JSON format
  2. Copy/paste relevant data from Slack to text documents - Alternatively, you can highlight channel conversations, copy and then paste them into a text document to create a searchable, custom record of relevant data
  3. Create a new Workspace in the U-M Slack Enterprise Grid - If you are conducting U-M-related business/work with your Slack Workspace, we encourage users to create a brand new Workspace in U-M Slack. There are no time limits on how long channel history is retained with U-M Slack
    • Bridge channels with Slack Connect - Once a new U-M Slack workspace is created, you can also bridge channels between it and the external, free Slack workspace by using Slack Connect
      • This will allow an opportunity to transition between the two Workspaces and maintain a connection with those who may not be able to use the U-M Enterprise Grid
      • You may want to limit posting in channels owned by the external/free workspace. Then, direct people to start using the channels bridged over from U-M Slack
      • Learn more about using Slack Connect with free Workspaces

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