Canvas: Read-only Columns in Canvas Gradebook Export




What do the read-only columns in a Gradebook export mean?


The CSV download from the Gradebook includes read-only columns for Current Score and Final Score, as well as additional columns for unposted grades. Here's what each column represents:

  • Current Score: Reflects the total score excluding unsubmitted, ungraded, and unposted assignments.
  • Final Score: Reflects the total score excluding only unposted assignments, while counting unsubmitted and ungraded assignments as zero.
  • Unposted Current Score: Displays the current score specifically for assignments with hidden grades (unposted assignments).
  • Unposted Final Score: Displays the final score specifically for assignments with hidden grades (unposted assignments).

For more details on these columns and how to export grades, refer to the Instructure Community guide: How do I export grades in the Gradebook?

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center