- U-M targeted email
- Applicable for: U-M students, faculty, and staff
The targeted email service allows U-M faculty and staff to request a mass message be sent to specified populations of U-M faculty and staff, and Ann Arbor students. Requests are subject to approval, as described below.
All requests for targeted email or a data file must be approved by the proper authorities. Allow two business days.
- Student Population: If you specify a target population that includes U-M students (including any population list that you provide yourself), then your request will be routed to the Registrar’s Office (RO) for approval
- Faculty/Staff population: If you specify a target population that includes U-M faculty or staff, then your request will be routed to University Human Resources (UHR) for approval; only requests from regular faculty and staff (i.e. not temporary staff or students) will be considered
Allow additional time for review and approval (minimum five business days) in these cases:
- Target populations that includes a combination of U-M students and employees: one approval request is routed to University Human Resources, and another to the Registrar's Office, for separate approvals
- Messages sent on behalf of U-M executive officers and specific members of U-M Leadership: The relevant executive offices are contacted, to verify that needed approvals are in place
- Target populations that include faculty
- Messages or data files related to research recruitment or survey response requires additional documentation, as well as Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval or exemption
Additional Information
- For questions regarding appropriate use or correctly specifying student distributions, contact the Registrar's Office at student.data.request@umich.edu
- For questions regarding appropriate use or correctly specifying faculty and staff distributions, contact HR Information Services at hr.data.requests@umich.edu