Bulk Update Asset Records in TeamDynamix


TeamDynamix Asset Application


There are multiple asset records that all need the same update (ie: updating the status to 'Disposed' after a batch of items are sent to Property Dispo)


  1. Navigate to the TDX Asset App where you want to update asset records 
  2. Select 'Assets' in the left hand nav
  3. Click on the green filter in the upper right
  4. Use the filter to select your assets (ie: paste a list of serials, comma separated into the field 'Text Search')
    1. Update the 'current status' as needed to ensure your result return the statuses you need
  5. Click 'Apply'
  6. Review the list to ensure it returns the assets you expect
  7. Click the check box next to every asset record you want to update (Click the checkbox in the header row to check the boxes to select all the assets returned in your filter)
  8. In the upper left, click the green "Update" button
  9. Click the check box to select the field you want to update (ie Status)
  10. Click the check box to select the new value (ie 'Retired- Disposed')
  11. Add comments, as needed
  12. Click Save

Additional Information

Article on bulk updating TeamDynamix Tickets: https://teamdynamix.umich.edu/TDClient/30/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=3091

Need additional information or assistance? Submit a request here ITS-TeamDynamix Support