Dropbox: Signing Into the Desktop Application / Client

Tags dropbox


U-M Dropbox


How to sign into the Dropbox desktop application/client.


If you need to install the Dropbox application on your computer, see Download Dropbox Application / Client

  1. Launch the Dropbox Application / Client.
  2. In email field, input uniqname@umich.edu, which will change the log in to "Single sign-on enabled." Click "Get your link code."
  3. This will redirect you to the browser. If you haven't signed into the weblogin page already, you will be prompted to do so now. On the weblogin screen, input your uniqname and UMICH password.
  4. This action will bring you to a "Get your link code" within browser. Click "Copy Link Code."
  5. Now open the Dropbox application, and click "Paste" on the "Single Sign-On Enter your link code below" screen.
  6. Click "Submit."
  7. Click "Next" to proceed through general configuration (How files are stored and Advanced Settings).
  8. Dropbox application should be ready to use.

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Article ID: 6391
Tue 9/14/21 11:24 AM
Wed 4/24/24 5:29 PM