MiVideo: Set/Reset the Channel Thumbnail in Mediaspace


MiVideo Mediaspace

Referred to as “mini-portals”, channels are personally managed, user generated media collections in MiVideo. They can be configured in a variety of ways from fully open collaborative collections to private collections locked down to specific groups. Viewers can subscribe to channels to be notified when new content is added. See related Channel articles for more information.


How to set/reset the channel thumbnail in Mediaspace. 


MiVideo will set a default channel thumbnail based on the media thumbnails of media entries in your channel. Channel managers have the ability to set their own thumbnail image by either uploading an image or setting a thumbnail from a media entry.

Note: You will not be able to set a channel thumbnail if you have enabled the channel carousel. 

Upload Thumbnail

  1. Navigate to the Channel page.
  2. Channel Actions  > Upload Thumbnail.
  3. Your image should be in the recommended aspect ratio (16x9)
  4. Click Save


Recommended Aspect Ratio (16x9) Sizes

  • Small 546x311
  • Medium 710x400
  • Large 1280x725

Set Thumbnail From Media Entry

  1. Navigate to the Channel page.
  2. Mouse over the media item thumbnail and click the triple dots. Click the Set as channel thumbnail icon on the thumbnail.
  3. Click Save.

Reset Thumbnail

To reset the thumbnail back to the default.

  1. Navigate to the Channel page.
  2. Channel Actions  > Reset Thumbnail.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center