Converting a TDX Ticket to the Correct Request Form and Adding a Workflow




How to convert a TeamDynamix ticket to a request and add a workflow


Neighborhood IT - Service Center - Depot

  1. [Edit] the ticket and choose the correct Request Form from the Form drop-down list
    • Example: ITS-MiWorkspace IT Hardware Purchase - Form
    • Example: ITS-MiWorkspace Event Support - Form
    • Example: ITS-MiWorkspace Loaner Request - Form
  2. Fill out the fields that appear as a result of selecting the correct form
    • This is why adding a workflow to a generic request sometimes doesn’t work
    • The workflow is looking to key off fields that are empty
  3. Make sure to select the correct Service field - then [Save]
  4. Back on the general Request screen, choose [Actions] > Assign Workflow
    • Use the dropdown to choose the correct workflow
      • Example: MiWorkspace IT Hardware Purchase Workflow
      • Example: MiWorkspace Event Support Workflow
      • Example: MiWorkspace Loaner Request Workflow

Actions dropdown menu under General tab is highlighted and then Assign Workflow is highlighted at the very bottom of the drop-down list.

Additional Information

Short video about TeamDynamix workflows:  TeamDynamix - Working with Ticket Workflows (Subtitled)

For additional support, submit a request here: ITS-TeamDynamix Support.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

This service is a web-based platform that provides service management, asset management, and project management capabilities. TeamDynamix can support IT management and support functions and has capabilities that provide general customer support or management of other non-IT functions like facilities and human resources too.