MiVideo: Disable or Enable Captions In Media Player


MiVideo Mediaspace


Use cases:

  • Captions in the player are not displaying but are available on the Edit Media page > Captions tab.
  • Captions are displaying in the player, but the media owner wants to disable them (usually due to low quality/fidelity issues).



  • When captions are disabled using the steps below, the transcript plugin in the player is also disabled. Viewers will not see onscreen captions nor be able to view or download the transcript.
  • If the media has poor captions fidelity, they can be edited by the media owner or co-editors (see the Edit Captions article).
  • If captions are out of sync and difficult to edit, do not delete them, rather try re syncing the captions (see the Fix Out of Sync Closed Captions article).
  • Only media owners or co-editors can perform these steps. See the Collaboration and Roles article to learn how to add co-editors to media. 


  1. Navigate to AccountMy Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page, click Actions > Edit.
  2. Click the Captions tab.
  3. If captions are available, there will be several buttons to the far right of each captions file. The last button, which looks like a player/screen, can be used to toggle captions display on or off. When the captions are disabled, a diagonal line is drawn through the icon. 


  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item, or from the Media page, click Actions > Edit.
  2. Click the Captions tab.
  3. If captions are available, there will be several buttons to the far right of each captions file. The last button, which looks like a player/screen, can be used to toggle captions display on or off. When the captions are disabled, a diagonal line is drawn through the icon. 

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center