U-M Zoom
I received an email about a cloud recording for which I was not present. I have a video of someone in my Cloud Recordings and I did not authorize them to cloud record in my account.
Note: Cloud Recordings are not automatically published in Canvas, so unwanted/accidental Cloud Recordings may be deleted without students viewing them.
It is possible that the following settings are enabled for the meeting:
- Enable join before host
- Automatically record meeting
If both settings are enabled, this will allow participants to access the meeting link without a host present, and once they enter the room, the recording will begin.
To disable these settings and prevent future unwanted recordings:
- Go to https://umich.zoom.us/meeting
- Hover the mouse on the title of the meeting you would wish to modify
- Click the white "Edit" button when it appears
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and either uncheck "Allow participants to join anytime", "Automatically record meeting" or both
- Save
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