"Unauthorized"/Unwanted Cloud Recordings in Zoom Account


U-M Zoom


I received an email about a cloud recording for which I was not present. I have a video of someone in my Cloud Recordings and I did not authorize them to cloud record in my account.


Note: Cloud Recordings are not automatically published in Canvas, so unwanted/accidental Cloud Recordings may be deleted without students viewing them.

It is possible that the following settings are enabled for the meeting:

  • Enable join before host
  • Automatically record meeting

If both settings are enabled, this will allow participants to access the meeting link without a host present, and once they enter the room, the recording will begin. 

To disable these settings and prevent future unwanted recordings:

  1. Go to https://umich.zoom.us/meeting
  2. Hover the mouse on the title of the meeting you would wish to modify
  3. Click the white "Edit" button when it appears
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and either uncheck "Allow participants to join anytime", "Automatically record meeting" or both
  5. Save

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