eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM)
All Study Team Members, except for the Principal Investigator (PI) and Administrative Staff, must accept their role on the study before the application can be submitted, unless the study is Not Regulated or Exempt.
- Exception: Faculty Advisors are required to accept their role on Exempt studies.
- If a study team member receives an email notification telling them to accept their role, they are not actually required to do so for Not Regulated and Exempt studies.
- If N/A is listed in the Accepted Role? column of the Study Team Members table, then the team member is not required to accept their role.

For step-by-step instructions, see Accepting Your Role on the Study Team or Accepting Your Role on the Study Team for Friend Accounts.
Additional Information
See Adding a Study Team Member step-by-step instructions.
For instructions on how to remind study team members to accept their role in the study, see Notify Study Team Members to Accept Role.
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.