Slack: Managing Slack Connect Channels and Members


U-M Slack


  • How can I tell if I have a Slack Connect channel in my workspace?
  • What can I do to manage its connections?
  • How do I tell which members are connected through Slack Connect?


Slack Connect channels can exist either because a member on the U-M side initiated the connection or a member accepted an invitation from an external organization.

You can identify a Slack Connect channel in one or more of the following ways:

  • It is listed under the External Connections section of your channel list.
  • When in the channel, there is a yellow/orange banner above the text field that says "[X] external people are from [External Organization]."
  • When you view channel settings, there are multiple organizations listed under Organizations.

If the Slack Connect channel was created by a member of U-M Slack:

If the Slack Connect channel was created by an external organization:

  • You will have to ask the external org to remove U-M from the channel if you wish to disconnect.
  • You will have to ask the external org to add/remove any U-M members.

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