Slack: Hide a Workspace From Your Workspace Filter


U-M Slack


How do I hide a specific U-M Slack workspace from my workspace filter?


You can edit and reorder the workspaces in your workspace filter drop-down. This can help you list certain workspaces above others and hide workspaces you’re a member of and no longer want to view/be notified of in your Slack app.

Important: This is not the same as signing in/out of and reordering your external workspaces listed in the workspace switcher.

To hide a workspace from the filter:

  1. Click the All workspaces drop-down under University of Michigan (at the top of the left channel sidebar).
  2. Select Edit and reorder workspaces from the menu.
  3. Hover over a workspace name and click Remove to hide it from the list.
  4. Click Save & Reload when done.

You can always add the workspace back to your filter by selecting Edit and reorder workspaces again and searching for it in the Add a workspace search field.

Additional Information

You can use the Edit and reorder workspaces setting via the Slack desktop app or web browser.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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