Time Insights Feature in Google Calendar


U-M Google, Calendar


What is the Time Insights feature in Google Calendar?


Time Insights helps you understand how you're spending your time across meetings and with specific individuals. Learn more about using Time Insights in Calendar.

With Time Insights, you can view your:

  • Time breakdown: Displaying how your overall time is distributed throughout the week/month. This is based on your working hours and the types of meetings you have.
  • Time spent in meetings: Highlighting meeting-heavy days and time frames, as well as meeting frequencies.
  • Time spent with specific users you meet with: Showing who you spend the most time meeting with. You can also pin specific users to your insights. Hovering over an individual will also highlight the meetings on your calendar that include that person.

Note: If you manage other people’s calendars and have the “Make changes and manage sharing” permission on them, you can view their Time Insights, as well.

The Time Insights feature is only available for Google Calendar on the web. You can’t access Time Insights data from your mobile device.

The feature is turned on by default. Although you can’t turn off this feature in your settings, you can close the right-hand Time Insights bar to remove it from your Calendar view.

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