How do I create a quiz in MiQuizMaker?


1. Select the + New Quiz icon located in the lower left portion of the page. The Quiz Overview page will automatically open. 

Screenshot of MiQuizMaker main page with the "+ New Quiz" button highlighted

2. Enter the name of the quiz in the Quiz Name text field.

Tip: Choose a name that will be easily identifiable on your My Quizzes page.  

Quiz name blank


  • You can later use the Build/View toggle ot the right of the Quiz Name to toggle between Build-- where the Add Question button appears, or View-- where you can see an overview of each question added to the quiz and your answers. 
  • MiQuizMaker will autosave as you continue working. 

3. Select + Add Question located in the lower left portion of the screen. The Create New Question page will automatically open. 

Add question button

4. Select a question type from the drop-down list. More information will populate based on the question type you chose. 

Type of question drop down

5. Enter the name of the question in the Question Name text field, if desired.

Tip: Choose a name that will be easily identifiable on the Quiz Overview page. 

Note: If you don't choose a name for the question, by default, MiQuizMaker will use the first line of text form the first problem statement. 

Question name box

6. Fill in the desired information for your question. 

Note: For more information on how to create each question type, visit the desired tutorial linked below: 

7. Repeat this process to add any additional questions to the quiz.

8. Select Back to Quiz in the upper right portion of the page to review the quiz. 

Suggested Next Steps



Article ID: 9718
Thu 2/23/23 4:21 PM
Thu 4/11/24 4:40 PM