How to I create a File Upload question in MiQuizMaker?

In MiQuizMaker, this question type allows students to upload a PDF file in order to show their work. 

1. When creating a New Question in MiQuizMaker, choose File Upload. 

2. If desired, give the Question a name. If you don't choose a name for the question, by default, MiQuizMaker will use the first line of text from the first problem statement. MiQuizMaker will periodically auto-save as you work on your quiz content. 

3. Under the Question(s) section use the text box to generate a question. 

4. If desired, click +Add Question to add a second question. If multiple questions are added, press the - icon to the right of a question to remove it. 

5. Once all desired questions are added, find the Pick text box along the top right of the Questions section. Enter the number for how many questions from the list should be randomly provided (or picked) during the quiz. 

Example: Have students upload the work they have done on a quiz to receive partial credit for any incorrect answers. 

6. Once all question settings are complete, click Back to Quiz in the right-hand menu. All your work will automatically save. 

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Mon 4/8/24 3:51 PM
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