How do I create a Calculation question in MiQuizMaker?

In MiQuizMaker, this question type allows instructors to create equation problems by entering variable names, problem statements, and solution equations. 

1. When creating a New Question in MiQuizMaker, choose Calculation. 

2. If desired, give the Question a name. If you don't choose a name for the question, by default, MiQuizMaker will use the first line of text from the first problem statement. MiQuizMaker will periodically auto-save as you work on your quiz content. 

3. Under the Variables section, enter the Name, Units, Minimum and Maximum numbers, and total decimal places that can be used when the system generates equations. 

4. Click +Add Variable to add a new variable. Press the - icon to the right of a variable to remove it. 

Example: If asking students to solve velocity = distance/time, you would enter 3 separate variables: Velocity, Distance and Time. The chosen units would be seconds, meters and meters/second. 

5. Under the Version A section, enter the desired equation statement or question. Click on the Variable button to insert a defined variable into the equation. This will randomly generate numbers into these variable locations for each student who takes the quiz. 

Note: The equation text editor supports user-entered custom formulas and draws from the Python language. 

6. Under Equation(s) enter the equation(s) used to solve the problem statement. *If the equation is entered incorrectly, or does not apply to all scenarios needed, this could result in incorrect answers on quizzes. Be sure to think through the nature of the question and the number of iterations needed. 

Example: Using the same example above, out equation would read Velocity = Distance/Time. 

7. In the Answer section enter the Variable the answer should be displayed in, the total number of decimal places, an allowed error percentage, and the Version Weighting Percentage (how much weight should version A have, 100%, 50%, etc.). 

8. If desired, click +Add Question Version to add another question. If adding more question versions, be sure to update the Version Weighting Percentage. Assign equal or varying weights to each question version. 

Example: Using the same example as above, if testing a student's knowledge on distance, time and velocity, another version of the question (or Version B)might ask students to solve Distance = Velocity*Time. 

Note: The variables remain the same for each Question Version, only the equation changes. 

9. Next to Question Preview, press the refresh button. This will generate an example question and provide the answer. 

10. Once all question settings are complete, click Back to Quiz in the right-hand menu. All your work will automatically save. 

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Article ID: 11924
Mon 4/8/24 10:44 AM
Tue 4/9/24 10:03 AM