Do I need to request Lecture Recording for my class?

The College of Engineering (CoE) automatically records lecture (LEC) sections for all CoE courses unless directed otherwise by the instructional team.

Lecture Recordings can be published automatically or held so they can be reviewed first, shared with the entire class or only made available to specific viewers for on-demand viewing and further study. Lecture Recording for any discussion sections (DIS), labs, office hours, flipped sections, review sessions, and more can be requested by submitting this form.

Prior to each term, CAEN will send a message to instructors teaching in their spaces with a link to confirm their Lecture Recording preferences and adjust any settings. 

Only Lecture sections for CoE courses will be scheduled for recording automatically if those preferences are not updated. Other section types are not recorded by default, but that can also be changed by following that link with minimal effort.

Unless otherwise directed, the default settings will:

  • require Lecture Recordings to be manually published.
  • allow the full enrollment to view anything published when following the navigation tab from Canvas..
  • include the whiteboard signal as part of the published Lecture Recordings.

Any of these settings Publishing and Sharing settings can be changed at any time by visiting your Lecture Recording My Sites page (keyed specifically to your uniqname) or by following this help article

Lecture Recording is another tool to support equitable and inclusive teaching practices, offering students flexibility and access.

Many students use Lecture Recording to revisit material and prepare for exams, often allowing them to be more engaged during class time instead of feverishly scribbling notes. This CRLT blog post may have some valuable tips to provide your students with guidelines and suggestions about using Lecture Recordings as a supplemental resource.