This article discusses passwords for the LSA Web Hosting Environment (WHE AKA cPanel) service.
LSA cPanel environment.
Your cPanel password is provided to you when your site is first created. At the cPanel level there is only one administrative account. If you intend have multiple administrators you will need to share these details with the other admins for your site. If you are installing an additional application such as WordPress, you can have multiple administrators inside those applications.
We recommend that you link your U-M Google account to your site so you can login with your standard UMICH account. Using this method, you are not required to remember the cPanel account information. You can also link multiple people to a single cPanel account for shared administration, or if you have multiple cPanel sites you can link your U-M Google account to all of your sites so that you can login to any of them more easily,
Changing your cPanel password
To change your password, log into your admin page and click Password & Security either in the Preferences section of your site:

Or by clicking your username in the right corner:

Although the password set initial set for your site is only shared with you and the LSA TS Infrastructure team, we recommend you change your password after receiving your login details and also link your U-M Google Account so that you no longer need to remember this password.
Changing passwords for applications installed in cPanel
If you install another layer on top of cPanel (WordPress, MediaWiki, Drupal or something else) you can have different administrative accounts inside of these applications. These passwords are not maintained or ever known by LSA Technology Services. If you forget the password for your application you can often click a 'forgot my password' link and if you used your email address it should email you instructions for resetting your password. If that does not work, you can Google 'resetting password for X' where X is your application.
For example, this is the official guide for WordPress and this is the official guide for MediaWiki. Many of these techniques involve using MySQL to update your database. Using phpMySQL is the easiest way to access your database directly.
Some applications have known methods of integrating with the campus Weblogin system using SSO. This allows users to use the standard U-M login page with their uniqname and UMICH password as shown below:

Lost password
If you forget your password you can click the 'reset password' link under the login box.
and you will be emailed a link to reset your password. If that does not work or you've forgotten both your username and password please send an email to with your site name and your request to have your password reset.