MiVideo KMC Admin: Manage A Two-Source Recording Entry


Kaltura MiVideo


Kaltura Capture and Kaltura Classroom Lecture Capture can record more than one video source at the same time. Multiple source recordings play together in a single player. The secondary child recording plays in a picture-in-picture frame inside the primary recording in the Kaltura player. Sometimes it may be desirable to swap the primary and secondary recordings, and/or detach the primary and secondary recordings from each other. 

Kaltura KMC administrators can perform this task using the Kaltura API console, or the request can be escalated to the ITS-MiVideo team for resolution. If submitting the request to the ITS-MiVIdeo team via the ITS Service Center please provide the title, owner, entry ID, link, or any other identifying details of the primary recording. 


These steps can be performed by a KMC admin.

  1. You will need a Kaltura Session Key and the entryID of the parent recording (Entry1)
    1. If you don't have a key or need a new one follow the steps in the Create a Developer Kaltura API Session Key article
  2. Navigate to https://www.kaltura.com/api_v3/testme/ (Note: you will not be able to perform all these steps in the Kalture Developer Console https://developer.kaltura.com)
  3. Get the Id of the child entry Entry2
    1. Paste your Kaltura Session Key in the Kaltura API session (string) field
    2. From the Select service drop down select baseEntry
    3. From the Select action drop down select list
    4. From the filter (KalturaBaseEntryFilter) dropdown select KalturaBaseEntryFilter
    5. Click the Edit button next to filter (KalturaBaseEntryFilter)
    6. Locate the parentEntryIdEqual (string) field and input the entryID of Entry1
    7. Click the Send button
    8. In the metadata copy the value in <id> which is the entryID of Entry 2
  4. Detach the child Entry2 from parent Entry1
    1. Keep your Kaltura Session Key in the Kaltura API session (string) field
    2. Keep baseEntry selected in the Select service drop down
    3. From the Select action drop down select update
    4. In the entryID (string) field input the entryID of Entry2
    5. From the baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry) dropdown select KalturaBaseEntry
    6. Click the Edit button next to baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry)
    7. Locate parentEntryId (string), check the box, and leave the field blank (in order to remove Entry1 as the parent of Entry2)
    8. Click the Send button
    9. In the metadata verify no ID is listed in <parentEntryID>

At this point the child (Entry2) has been detached from the parent. To attach Entry1 as the child of Entry2 continue to step 5 below. To use the child (Entry2) as a separate video (eg. to publish in a course) skip step 5 and instead do the following:

  1. Click the Edit button next to baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry)
  2. Locate displayInSearch (int) and select PARTNER_ONLY from the drop down
  3. Click the Send button
  4. In the metadata verify 1 is listed in <displayInSearch>
  1. Add Entry1 as the child of Entry2
    1. Keep your Kaltura Session Key in the Kaltura API session (string) field
    2. Keep baseEntry selected in the Select service drop down
    3. Keep update selected in the Select action drop down 
    4. In the entryID (string) field input the entryID of Entry1​​​​​​
    5. Keep KalturaBaseEntry selected in the baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry) dropdown
    6. Click the Edit button next to baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry)
    7. Locate parentEntryId (string) and insert the entry Id of Entry2
    8. Click the Send button
    9. In the metadata verify the correct ID is listed in <parentEntryID>

After performing the steps above, when you will play Entry2, it will play both entries.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center

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Article ID: 9280
Mon 11/14/22 4:58 PM
Thu 8/29/24 5:47 PM