Kaltura MiVideo
Kaltura Capture and Kaltura Classroom Lecture Capture can record more than one video source at the same time. Multiple source recordings play together in a single player. The secondary child recording plays in a picture-in-picture frame inside the primary recording in the Kaltura player. Sometimes it may be desirable to swap the primary and secondary recordings, and/or detach the primary and secondary recordings from each other.
Kaltura KMC administrators can perform this task using the Kaltura API console, or the request can be escalated to the ITS-MiVideo team for resolution. If submitting the request to the ITS-MiVIdeo team via the ITS Service Center please provide the title, owner, entry ID, link, or any other identifying details of the primary recording.
These steps can be performed by a KMC admin.
- You will need a Kaltura Session Key and the entryID of the parent recording (Entry1)
- If you don't have a key or need a new one follow the steps in the Create a Developer Kaltura API Session Key article
- Navigate to https://www.kaltura.com/api_v3/testme/ (Note: you will not be able to perform all these steps in the Kalture Developer Console https://developer.kaltura.com)
- Get the Id of the child entry Entry2
- Paste your Kaltura Session Key in the Kaltura API session (string) field
- From the Select service drop down select baseEntry
- From the Select action drop down select list
- From the filter (KalturaBaseEntryFilter) dropdown select KalturaBaseEntryFilter
- Click the Edit button next to filter (KalturaBaseEntryFilter)
- Locate the parentEntryIdEqual (string) field and input the entryID of Entry1
- Click the Send button
- In the metadata copy the value in <id> which is the entryID of Entry 2
- Detach the child Entry2 from parent Entry1
- Keep your Kaltura Session Key in the Kaltura API session (string) field
- Keep baseEntry selected in the Select service drop down
- From the Select action drop down select update
- In the entryID (string) field input the entryID of Entry2
- From the baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry) dropdown select KalturaBaseEntry
- Click the Edit button next to baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry)
- Locate parentEntryId (string), check the box, and leave the field blank (in order to remove Entry1 as the parent of Entry2)
- Click the Send button
- In the metadata verify no ID is listed in <parentEntryID>
At this point the child (Entry2) has been detached from the parent. To attach Entry1 as the child of Entry2 continue to step 5 below. To use the child (Entry2) as a separate video (eg. to publish in a course) skip step 5 and instead do the following:
- Click the Edit button next to baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry)
- Locate displayInSearch (int) and select PARTNER_ONLY from the drop down
- Click the Send button
- In the metadata verify 1 is listed in <displayInSearch>
- Add Entry1 as the child of Entry2
- Keep your Kaltura Session Key in the Kaltura API session (string) field
- Keep baseEntry selected in the Select service drop down
- Keep update selected in the Select action drop down
- In the entryID (string) field input the entryID of Entry1
- Keep KalturaBaseEntry selected in the baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry) dropdown
- Click the Edit button next to baseEntry (KalturaBaseEntry)
- Locate parentEntryId (string) and insert the entry Id of Entry2
- Click the Send button
- In the metadata verify the correct ID is listed in <parentEntryID>
After performing the steps above, when you will play Entry2, it will play both entries.
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center