When to Create TeamDynamix Tasks vs. Reassign Tickets




Technicians need to understand when to use tasks and when to reassign tickets


When to Reassign Tickets versus Create Tasks

Reassigning a ticket gets it to the correct owner. A commonly reassigned ticket is one that likely started as a support request that was directly assigned to the wrong group.

Assigning a task brings in people or groups who need to work on some component of the overall request, even though these people or groups do not own the overall request. For example, a ticket comes in for fixing the entire widget factory. This ticket gets assigned to whomever owns the overall widget factory. In this case, it belongs to group C. One of the necessary parts of fixing the widget factory is to fix the widget machine. A ticket task is therefore created for group B to fix the widget machine.

Reassigning a Ticket or Ticket Task That is Assigned to a Group

When a ticket or ticket task is assigned to a Group or to a Group + Person, the system checks the new assigned person's groups before updating the assignment on the ticket.

  • If the new person is a member of the ticket or task's current group, the group assignment will stay on the ticket or task
  • If they are not a member of that group, the ticket or task will be assigned to their primary group as well as the individual
  • If they aren't a member of that group and don't have a primary group, it will assign the ticket directly to them and remove the old group assignment

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Submit a request here: ITS-TeamDynamix Support.


Article ID: 7971
Tue 4/26/22 1:02 PM
Tue 5/2/23 4:53 PM