Using TDX APIs and Configuring Web Services in TDX


TeamDynamix APIs published in the API directory


How to get started with TeamDynamix APIs in the API Directory and configuration of web services within TeamDynamix


The documentation, TDX API Documentation (U-M login required), contains information on all of the TeamDynamix APIs that are published in the API Directory. It is a subset of what is available in TeamDynamix. The document includes links to the API Directory Prod and TEST and how to get started in the directory, including all the necessary information to create an API Directory account if you don’t already have one. 

Connection via VPN is required to access the API Directory website. Once on the site, go to the Getting Started tab. That will list all the steps you’ll need to get started with the API Directory to join a developer organization and create an account.


After you activate your account and register your application, you can go to the API Products tab and subscribe to the TDXTicketInfo API.

  1. Click Subscribe and select your registered application
    1. This will trigger a request for approval and provisioning to the ITS-DISC and ITS-Service Support teams
  2. If the account will be used to create and update tickets, then access to the API TEST Directory will be provided
  3. Note that the API TEST Directory is pointed to the TeamDynamix Sandbox

Configure web services

After the directory account and subscription approval have been completed, you can begin configuring the web services within TeamDynamix. These are general steps of how to get started:

  1. Go to TDAdmin > Workflow Web Services > Web Service Providers 

    1. Create a new web service provider by entering the API endpoint url for the specific call

  2. Go to TDAdmin > Workflow Web Services > Web Service Methods 

    1. Create a new web service method
    2. Select the web service provider previously created
    3. Select the method(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH)
    4. Enter the necessary headers, parameters, and body. Reference TDX API Documentation for the value type, request and response parameters, and sample calls
      1. The accepted Web API call content types are: application/json and text/json
      2. Other content types (i.e., text/plain) are not supported
      3. An initial call to retrieve the authorization token is usually required
      4. Note that the token only lasts for 1 hour

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Submit a request here: ITS-TeamDynamix Support.


Article ID: 7339
Fri 3/11/22 11:55 AM
Tue 5/2/23 4:16 PM