Google Forms: Show Questions Based on Answers


Google Form


How to show questions based on answers in Google Forms


Show questions based on answers

You can set up a Google Form so that people only see certain sections based on their answers.

  1. Open your form in Google Forms
  2. At the bottom right of a section, click the three-dot icon and then select Go to section based on answer
  3. Choose specific sections to send people to, or select Submit form if you want the form to end based on an answer

Note: Once a user selects an answer, they must finish the section and click Next to proceed to the specific section you are sending them to, as it will not happen automatically.

Skip sections in your form

  1. Open your form in Google Forms
  2. To add a section break, click Add section (two rectangles icon) from the toolbar menu which appears beside each section.
  3. At the bottom of each section, you can choose which section people go to next

Additional Information

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Article ID: 7154
Wed 2/2/22 12:34 PM
Thu 3/31/22 1:31 PM