Google Calendar: Invite Others to Your Calendar Event


U-M Google Calendar


How to invite people to your Calendar event.


Add people to your event

  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar
  2. Click an event -> Edit event
  3. On the right, under "Guests," start typing the name of the person and choose someone from your contacts. You can also type an email address to invite people who aren't in your contacts list
    1. To mark a guest as optional: Next to the guest's name, click the person's icon . If you don't see the icon, hover over the guest's name
  4. When you're done editing your event, click Save

When you save your event, an email invitation will be sent to your guests.

You can't add people to events that are automatically created from Gmail.

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Article ID: 6611
Mon 10/18/21 1:01 PM
Fri 7/22/22 3:45 PM

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