NameCoach, Michigan Medicine Outlook
- How do I add a NameCoach signature in my Outlook email?
- I have a concern with my voice print for my name recording, what are my options?
- Use NameCoach Email Signature to record the name, phonetic spelling, and publish the NameBadge
- NOTE: If you have already recorded your name previously then there is no need to re-record. To help Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, if you choose, you can update the phonetic spelling of your name
- Click on the MyNameBadge tab in the menu across the top of the page
- Scroll down and click where it says “Add NameBadge to your Email Signature"
- Next, you will see the following screen with three different Email signature options to display an image of the microphone in your email signature. After choosing a button or link option to use in your signature, click it to copy it to the clipboard (if you want to display a maize and blue icon, use the image from Changing NameCoach Email Signature Icon to Maize and Blue):
- Click on the first to copy this button to the clipboard

- Click on the second to copy the Hear my name icon to the clipboard
- Click on the third to copy the link without a microphone image
- Next, go to your Outlook email signature:
- Windows: Navigate to email signature in Outlook
- Mac: Update or change email signature in Outlook
- Paste your button or link choice where you want it to appear in your signature
- Create a new email message and confirm that your signature appears correctly
Don't want to use your voiceprint?
Here are some options if you have any concern about your own voiceprint for your Name Recording:
- Have someone else record your name for you
- Use text to voice feature to record your name and then upload to the NameCoach
- Record your voice using Adobe Premiere Pro and then to change recorded audio and change the voice print to sound like someone else - Help Video - How to change your voice into someone Else. Download your changed recording and upload to NameCoach.
Additional Information
NOTE: For creating an Email Signature, U-M users cannot go directly to the NameCoach site and use their UMICH login credentials. To ensure that U-M users are in the U-M domain, use the SSO Email Signature link to create an email signature.
Need additional information or assistance?
Contact the ITS Service Center.
Vendor Support email to: support@name-coach.com, or Vendor Support site: https://name-coach.zendesk.com/hc/en-us