How do I change my NameCoach Name Pronunciation Email Signature icon from purple to Maize and Blue in my email tools such as Gmail and Outlook?
The default email signature icon is purple, but it is possible for an individual user to manually apply the maize & blue new icon we provide to use. Note that no other color or options available at this time besides default purple and this custom one.
Download Image and Signature Code
You will need to save the image and the signature code to your computer before updating your signature in either Gmail or Outlook.
Download the maize and blue image
Download image by clicking here 
- Copy Signature Code
- On your NameCoach Dashboard page, below Your Recordings, scroll to Your NameBadge: click the Add NameBadge to your Email Signature tab
- Click on the last button option “Click here to copy your NameBadge Link”. It will copy the code you need to add to the clipboard
- Paste the link in a notepad/document (You will need to paste this later in your signature line) in either Gmail or Outlook
Adding the custom NameCoach signature in Gmail
- Open your U-M email account
Click the gear icon in the top right hand corner

- Click the See all settings button
- On the General tab, scroll down to the Signature section
- Put your cursor where you want your NameBadge to appear
- Click on the Insert Image button (looks like mountains in a square) and upload the maize and blue image that you downloaded in the first step
- Select the inserted image
- Click on the chain link icon
- Copy the NameBadge signature code link (that you saved) and place in to the web address box
- Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page
Adding Your NameCoach Audio Email Signature in Outlook
- Navigate to your email signature in Outlook:
- Put your cursor where you want your NameBadge to appear
- Click on the Insert Picture button and upload the maize and blue image that you downloaded in the first step
- Select the inserted image
- Click on the hyperlink icon (world with a link)
- Copy the NameBadge signature code (that you saved) and place in the web address/hyperlink box
- Click OK
Training Video: NameCoach Email Signature Training
Additional Information
NOTE: For creating an email signature, U-M users cannot go directly to the NameCoach site and use their UMICH login credentials. To ensure that U-M users are in the U-M domain, use the SSO Email Signature link to create an email signature.
Need additional information or assistance?
Contact the ITS Service Center.
Vendor Support email to: support@name-coach.com, or Vendor Support site: https://name-coach.zendesk.com/hc/en-us