How do I tell which workspace a U-M Slack channel is in?
Determine a channel’s workspace
In the “All workspaces” channel view of your sidebar, you’ll notice a (potentially) long list of channels from every workspace of which you’re a member. There are two ways to determine which workspace(s) a specific channel belongs to:
- For channels with duplicate names (e.g., #general), the workspace name will appear beside the channel name in your channel sidebar.

- For channels with no duplicate names (e.g., #this-is-for-testing), you need to navigate to the channel’s details to find the workspace(s) it belongs to.
- Click the name at the top of the channel feed.
- Find the channel’s workspace(s) under About > Workspaces with access to this channel.

Additional Information
You can also choose to filter your sidebar by workspace to determine a channel's workspace. To filter channels by specific workspace, click the All workspaces drop-down at the top of your sidebar under University of Michigan and select the workspace name you want to view.
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