Adobe: "You don't have access to manage apps; Permission from your IT administrator may be required to enable apps management."


Adobe Creative Cloud


I can log into Adobe Creative Cloud, but I cannot see the apps. I am receiving the following error message: "You don't have access to manage apps; Permission from your IT administrator may be required to enable apps management.


To enable the Apps Tab:

  1. Sign out and close or end all Adobe applications and processes running in the background
  2. Navigate to the following location:
    1. Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\Configs\ 
    2. Mac: "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/Configs/
      1. Locate the serviceconfig.xml file
      2. Drag it to the desktop (it will need ADMIN permission)
      3. Open the file in Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)
    3. In serviceconfig.exe file, change the value of AppsPanel from false to true
    4. Save & Close the serviceconfig.xml file
    5. Relocate the same file to the original folder that is on the desktop and drag it back to the folder location (will need ADMIN permission)
  3. Restart machine and launch and sign into Adobe CC which will show all the applications again  

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