Using the Slack - TeamDynamix Integration


TeamDynamix, Slack


How do users view TeamDynamix tickets in Slack?


The Slack integration with TeamDynamix allows you to open and view TDX tickets from within Slack.

  • To access a TDX Ticket (Article, Asset, CI, Service, Project, Project Task, Issue, or Risk) while in Slack, type this full command:  /tdx search.  (This will bypass a shortcut search pop-up menu.)  In the Search TeamDynamix box, choose Ticket, Article, Asset, CI, Service, Project, Project Task, Issue or Risk and enter the ticket number or text.  

  • You can also type the command this way: /TDX search <type> <number>; for example, /tdx search ticket 123456, or /tdx search article 1234.

  • You can click the Comment button on most cards to add a comment directly to that ticket's Feed. Note that commenting in this way will record your comments in the Feed but it will not let you notify others. To send a notification, use the Open in TeamDynamix button to view the full ticket details in TeamDynamix.

  • You will also need to open the ticket in TeamDynamix to do a full update.

Additional Information

For users with access to multiple ticketing applications, the integration will search across apps that you have access to. 
Note that Clippy is still in use and will automatically look for TDX###### in Slack rooms or conversations where Clippy was invited.


Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

This service is a web-based platform that provides service management, asset management, and project management capabilities. TeamDynamix can support IT management and support functions and has capabilities that provide general customer support or management of other non-IT functions like facilities and human resources too.