WileyPLUS Canvas External App


WileyPLUS for Canvas


Instructors can add Wiley content to their Canvas courses via the WileyPLUS external app.
The Wiley external app is available to all courses in Canvas.


  • Instructors needing assistance with configuring Wiley resources in their Canvas course can contact Wiley help 24/7 at 877.586.0192 or consulting this Wiley support guide
  • Contacting Wiley Support will often be the fastest route for instructors needing assistance with using Wiley within Canvas.
  • UMICH Canvas admins do not have administrative access to Wiley systems. 

Additional Information

Instructors needing help with configuring links to Wiley resources within Canvas and students needing assistance with issues related to accessing Wily resources can be directed to Wiley Support:

Wiley Canvas onboarding guide

24/7 support for students and instructors:

Check out the new Academic Technology@Michigan website for course planning resources from across U-M.
Visit the Canvas @ Michigan site for faculty including the U-M Instructor Guide with links to additional support resources from across campus.
Check out the Canvas and MiVideo tutorials.


Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.