Using Gradescope in Canvas




Information and support for the Gradescope Canvas external app.


Gradescope is an online grading system that is available to all U-M instructors and students free of charge. It allows students to submit paper-based assignments via an upload process and allows instructors and staff to scan and upload paper-based submissions. Instructors can grade and annotate student submissions in Gradescope and import scores into the Canvas gradebook. 

How Can I Use Gradescope In My Course?

  • Gradescope can be added to any course by the instructor using the same method used to add any tool to the course: select Settings->Navigation tab and enable Gradescope before clicking Save.
  • An Instructor step-by-step guide for getting started with Gradescope in Canvas can be found in Using Gradescope with Canvas as an Instructor.
  • A guide for students using Gradescope in Canvas can be found in Using Gradescope with Canvas as a Student.

How Can I Get Help with Gradescope?

  • ITS Teaching & Learning can provide support for Gradescope.
  • Users can also reach out directly to Gradescope Support at or by sending an email to
  • If you had a uniqname change and no longer see your course in Gradescope contact Gradescope support at to merge your new and old accounts.

Support for Gradscope

Additional Information

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center.