U-M Services Not Active for New Hire


U-M Google services, including email, TeamDynamix, Adobe Creative Cloud

Applies for:

  • New hires, new employees, incoming faculty and staff


Newly hired employees are unable to access their U-M Google email due to an unauthorized error. Google may indicate "Invalid email."

Newly hired employees are unable to access TeamDynamix. Trying to access a TeamDynamix Form gives them an Access Denied message.

Newly hired employees unable to sign in to Adobe applications.


Most services for employees become active on the employment start date AND after completing employee validation. Until that date is reached and the employee validation is completed, U-M systems will not indicate that the newly hired employee is an active employee, and therefore will not be eligible for many services. Selected resources become active the day after the employment start date. See Article ID: 328 regarding how to complete the employee validation.

Active on Start Date

This includes U-M Google, TeamDynamix, and many others.

  • If you do not have access 24 hours after your start date and you verified you completed the employee validation (see article ID: 328), please contact the ITS Service Center for assistance
    • The ITS Service Center can check to confirm that 'New Employees Validation' is complete and job data has fully synchronized

Active Day After Start Date

Access to Adobe Creative Cloud applications will not be active until the day after your start date as a new employee.

  • Until that date is reached, you will not be able to sign into Adobe applications

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.