Participating in Breakout Rooms in a Zoom Meeting including Screen Sharing




How to Participate in a Break Out Room in a Zoom Meeting


IMPORTANT: For participants to use Breakout Rooms, they must join from the Zoom desktop or mobile app or web and be on the host's same Zoom license for pre-assigned breakout rooms.  People who join via other means (i.e.: Chromebook/Chrome OS) must use the main room.

Joining a Breakout Room

  1. The host must invite you to join the breakout room
  2. Click Join when invited
  3. If you choose Later, you can join by clicking the Breakout Rooms option in your personal meeting controls
  4. Click Join Breakout Room

Participating in the Breakout Room

Once you've joined the breakout room, you will have controls similar to a full meeting. You can:

  • Mute/Unmute to speak
  • Start/Stop Video
  • Participants - view the Participants list
  • Share screen - Participants sharing their screen with others in the breakout room  (as long as the host enables "all participants" for screen sharing permissions)
  • Chat - type messages to the other participants in your breakout room
  • Record - you can record the Breakout Room locally if the host gives you recording permission
  • Ask for Help - request help from the meeting host
    • If you click Ask for Help, it will notify the meeting host that you need assistance and they will be asked to join your breakout room
      • Click Ask for Help in the meeting controls.
      • Confirm that you would like assistance by clicking Invite Host

Recording while in a Breakout Room

  1. Ask the host for permission to record. The host needs to allow recording before opening the breakout rooms. If the host has already open the breakouts rooms, they can join your breakout room to allow you to record
  2. Click Record in the meeting controls to start a local recording
  3. The host will need to invite you to join the breakout room
  4. Click the pause or stop icon in the meeting controls to pause or stop the recording

Leaving the Breakout Room

You can leave the breakout room and return to the main meeting session at any time, or you can leave the meeting entirely from the breakout room.

  1. Click Leave Breakout Room
  2. Choose if you want to leave the breakout room or the entire meeting
  3. When the host ends the breakout rooms, you will be notified and given the option to return to the main room immediately, or in 60 seconds

Additional Information

Chat and Broadcasts with Breakout Rooms:

  • If the moderator is in the main room and sends a chat to everyone, only the students in the main room will see the chat. If you want to send a chat to students in their breakout rooms, you need to be in the rooms with them
  • When the moderator broadcasts a message to the students in the breakout rooms, all the rooms get the message at once. It stays up on their screens for 10 seconds and then disappears. It shows up in a box. The text cannot be highlighted or copied.
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